2024 Staff Favorites | Becky Van Den Berg
Becky Van Den Berg, Circulation & Patron Services Mananger

Assassins Anonymous by Rob Hart
What if the deadliest assassin in the world decided to go cold turkey… but his past wasn't having any of it? Meet Mark. He's the kind of guy who could take out an entire room of armed men before they even blinked—yet, lately, he's just trying to meditate, stretch, and feed his cat the finest kibble money can buy. That's right, the world’s deadliest assassin has decided to give up the murder game and trade in his silenced pistols for a yoga mat. Namaste, baby.But, of course, life is never that simple. Just as Mark starts perfecting his downward dog, his past comes crashing through the front door like an ex who refuses to accept that you've moved on. Suddenly, there are people coming out of the woodwork trying to kill him—people with grudges, vendettas, and a deep misunderstanding of what "taking it easy" really means. Now, Mark has to juggle two things: keeping his zen vibes intact while investigating who’s trying to put him back on the "kill list." It’s like trying to solve a murder mystery while being chased by murderers. Oh, and did we mention the cat is absolutely no help? In fact, it’s the only one who’s actually chill about the whole situation. Will Mark stay true to his new peaceful life, or will he have to break out the old assassin skills just to survive? Spoiler alert: He might not be able to resist. But hey, at least he’ll do it while sipping chamomile tea.

DVD: Deadpool & Wolverine
The Merc with the Mouth is back, and this time, the entire planet is on the line! Can Deadpool find anyone to help, or is he doomed to ride solo—again? Cue Wolverine, who's basically the human embodiment of a bad mood, reluctantly tagging along to save the day (and probably yell at Deadpool for not shutting up). Because nothing says "team-up" like a chatty guy in a red suit and a grumpy Canadian with knives for hands.

The Games Gods Play by Abigail Owen
Lyra’s life wasn’t exactly a highlight reel.
She was the kind of person who always seemed to be just outside of greatness—like a 2nd string backup in a sport she didn’t even know the rules to. A clerk for the Order of Thieves (which is pretty much like being the person who sorts the mail at a secret criminal organization) and cursed by Zeus at birth to be the ultimate human repellant. You know, loneliness on tap. So, no friends, no partners, and certainly no romantic prospects—unless you're into the whole "being totally ignored" vibe. But one fateful night, after too many lonely hours spent arguing with her reflection about how many times she could possibly screw up making coffee, Lyra finds herself at Zeus’s temple. Now, we all know it’s never a good idea to start ranting at deities—especially not the god of thunder, who’s basically the universe’s grumpy old man. Yet, there she was, screaming into the divine void about how unfair her life was, like she had no idea what she was getting herself into. Cue Hades, the king of the Underworld, who apparently was just hanging around, waiting for the perfect moment to swoop in. And swoop in he did! Why? Because... plot twist: Hades chooses her to represent him in a bloodthirsty contest where champions fight to the death! Why? Well, who knows—he could’ve been bored. Maybe there was a discount on mortal champions that week. Either way, she’s stuck.

Podcast: Morbid (available wherever you get your podcasts)
It's death...described in detail. 10/10 would recommend...if you're into that sort of thing!