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Volunteer Opportunities

Pine River Library Volunteer Program

The Pine River Library welcomes and encourages members of the community to volunteer their time and talents to enrich and expand library services. Volunteers can add immensely to the quality of service that the library can provide to the public. Volunteers provide specific and selective services and do not replace permanent, paid staff.

Volunteers are expected to conform to all library policies and are selected and retained for as long as the library needs their services. Volunteers may be used for special events, projects and activities, or on a regular basis to assist library staff. Services provided by volunteers will not be used in place of hiring full or part-time staff. Volunteers may apply for paid positions under the same conditions as other applicants.

Please note that the library is only able to accept volunteers ages 15 and up. Most of our volunteers work approximately two hours per week, though flexible scheduling is available. If you’d like to apply to participate in the volunteer program, please print out the volunteer application form. Return the completed form to our library and our volunteer coordinator will contact you a soon as possible.